Nadia Duerson

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For the Masses:

The Forgotten Book 1

This is not about the rapture. This is about the emotions and drama teens go through after the rapture while running from fire raining from the sky.

Did ‘the rapture’ really just happen? Missing parents? Teenagers are left to fend for themselves after only a few hours ago their biggest problem was falling in love, now over night it’s a question of finding faith and survival.

Nonbelievers & true believers still find solace in friendships with every kind of personality. With the world in turmoil, violence against Christians becomes the norm when the Sun disappears, and the Moon turns to blood.

One unlikely girl has the courage to find her faith in God and stands up to her friends and her new boyfriend Jaime who thinks she’s crazy but loves her anyway. How can 16-year-old Nora stop her friends from turning into mortal enemies? They refuse to believe there is a God and excuse supernatural forces while the rest of the world takes pleasure in the cruelty of killing Christians.

A struggle with love, redemption, and the battle of complex emotions that come with youth in an uncertain world is frightening. Will they remain friends? Should they let God into their hearts or join The New World Ordain to kill the Christians?

This is the first book of a series about life in the final years of planet Earth from a young new Christian’s perspective. Due to mature situations, this series is not recommended for anyone under 18.

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About The Author

Nadia Duerson

Eye am a woman who lives in Northern California in the midst of giant ancient redwoods next to the ocean surrounded by mountains and sky. Eye am very blessed by this. Eye love to write, and eye love people. Half the time eye have a hard time connecting with people because eye live in my head, the other half of the time eye connect with people so well eye cry…so eye write.

Nadia Duerson was born on a military base called Camp Pendleton in San Diego County, CA and grew up a military brat in Clovis in Fresno County, CA. She spent her teens to 30s in Indianapolis, IN with the one set goal of getting back to her home state of California. In 2015 she was finally able to do this. One could say she is bi-western (claiming to be from the West Coast and the Mid-West), as both regions had a part in creating who she is just as much as her parents. She now lives in Humboldt County, CA among the gigantic, ancient, redwoods surrounded by mountains smack dab next to the Pacific Ocean. She feels very blessed by this.

If you like drama, and living vicariously through outrageous, exciting, and realistic characters, you’ll love the ‘For the Masses’ series. These books aren’t about the apocalypse, they are about the people who go THROUGH the apocalypse while dealing with extreme emotions and deciding if they should believe in God and Jesus or not, despite everything going on around them.


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